
Sunday 3 August 2014


Like a Thousand Island of Hawaii in the North Jakarta - Jakarta were tired and noisy make people forget, that on the north side of the island there are hundreds of nan calm to refresh the mind, beautiful shores with captivating underwater world. Thousand Islands is like Hawaii in the north of Jakarta. 

Many people are not aware of the Jakarta tourism potential possessed the Thousand Islands regency. When asked about Jakarta, many residents loudly calling Central Jakarta, West, South, East and North. However, the Thousand Islands regency often overlooked. 

However, when asked about the beaches, the mind is Bali, Lombok, Anyer, Pangandaran, Parangtritis. In fact, DKI Jakarta has a row of beautiful islands in the Pacific Ocean region is Thousand Islands. Travel Highlights this time will peel belle marine tourism Jakarta. 

Islands covering an area of 8.7 km2 has not up to thousand island indeed. Notes city government official reported that there were 110 islands. Third into tourist island, the other is a residential area, supporting the area inhabited fisherman or not at all. 

With Scout Island as a center of government, the Thousand Islands still has a lot to offer. They welcome all travelers to luxury cruise boat that crossed from Muara Angke, Kamal Muara, or Port Marina Ancol. Want to the island where, it's a choice travelers. 

Onrust Archaeology Park, for example, as the row closest island of Jakarta, providing tourist site Dutch colonial history. There Onrust Island with former shipyard, Cipir Island, Moringa Island with Martello Castle and Angel Island. 

Further north even more charm Thousand Island that can meet tourists. Would you like snorkeling or diving? There Umbrella Island, Sepa Island, Island bush leaves, Pari Island, Kotok Island and many more. Bring friends for a lot of fun camping in the Thousand Islands. Many deserted island and you could be king for a day there. 

But do not worry about the accommodation there. Thousand Islands offers rooms ranging from hundreds of thousands in Tidung Island and Scout Island, to a romantic resort for honeymoon in Princess Island, Angel Island, Pantara Island, Pulau Ayer, Sepa Island and Tiger Island. This resort prices ranging from Rp 800 thousand to 1.8 million per person per night. 

The good news is, the more popular the Thousand Islands in the eyes of tourists. Some islands have become a favorite of tourists and be crowded on weekends. Sepa Island, Island Princess, Island Tidung, Semak Daun Island, Bira Island, Pari Island and Angel Island are islands are frequently visited by tourists. These islands could be the start of your destination while on vacation to the Thousand Islands, besides of course stop at Scout Island which became the main island. 

Tidung Island is the most favorite for young children because it has a Bridge of Love. But that does not mean others do not have the charm of the island. As well as a row of islands in the Pacific Ocean and Hawaii, each island in the Thousand Islands also has advantages and beauty of each. But surely you do not mind all the way to see a group of islands in Hawaii. 

Enough with the boat trip tens of minutes you were up in the Thousand Islands, and choose yourself who want to enjoy the island. When the holidays have arrived, let's try to contact close friends, prepare supplies needed and welcome an exciting vacation in the Thousand Islands. Because of the Thousand Islands in North Jakarta's like Hawaii.

If you are interested in a vacation to the island of hope Clay's postPAKET WISATA KEPULAUAN SERIBU

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