
Tuesday 6 January 2015


The BRIDGE of love is one of the icons of tourism in Island Tidung. The myth of thebridge of love becomes attraction for the tourists who came. Andakah one whobelieves it?

Although several times already undergoing renovation, Tidung Island love on theBridge still lure the tourists who come to the thousand islands, especially those who want love life more wonderful and believed "supernatural powers" this bridge. Not only tourists who already has a partner, visitors who still own alias singles are alsoattracted by the myth of love's Bridge.

The myth circulating among the public about the bridge of love program vary.However, most of the myth refers to the beauty of the love which culminate in a marriage or a relationship to its well-preserved. Myths circulated because the historyof the bridge of love itself. Unfortunately, not many people know the origin of the bridge of love.

It is said, first on the island Tidung, there are only two of the Inn. It is the first devoted to the man while the other guesthouses are reserved for women. Be one of the male and female visitors were mutually attracted to each other. Then, they often promise tomeet at the bridge that connects the island Tidung Island Tidung big and small.Eventually, they fall in love and build a relationship, until returning from their holidayon the island. Later, they were married and living Ark households with great beauty.

If, that is the history of the bridge of love told by some citizens of the island Tidung.The history of that then give rise to myths about love affair at this bridge. There are two myths that are spread out. First, if you and your partner walks over the bridgewhile holding hands, then your relationship with spouse will be durable. Second, if you jump off a bridge in love seven times, then you will find your soul mate in your life.

This myth was quite embedded in the minds of Bartasan Wauran, Chairman Gabung Mulung Tidung (GMT)

He even told a friend who then experience finding soul mates after jump seven timesfrom the bridge of love. Both are in fact continuing the relationship up to the altar.

"My Japan guy, Temen time join Join Mulung Tidung 2 follow the myth spread. Hejump seven times from the bridge of love. After that, he was introduced to a friend of mine who came from Indonesia, it turns out they fit. Yes, maybe it was his soul mate, "said a man called Arta is familiar.

If you are interested in a vacation to the island of hope Clay's postPAKET WISATA KEPULAUAN SERIBU

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