
Monday 4 August 2014

History of the Thousand Islands ( KEPULAUAN SERIBU DKI JAKARTA )

History of Thousand Island or the Thousand Islands is already much discussed. But still the name one of the tourist attractions in Indonesia, many new visitors who do not know more about the history of the Thousand Islands this. Judging from the history of the formation, the Thousand Islands located in the Java Sea and the Gulf of Jakarta which consists of a cluster of coral islands are formed and shaped by coral biota and its associated biota (algae, malusho, foraminifera, etc.) with the help of the natural dynamics of the process. 

thousand islands region 

In accordance with the characteristics and development policies of Jakarta, the development of the Thousand Islands region is directed primarily to: 

Increasing tourism activity 

Improving the quality of life of fishing communities through increased aquaculture 
Utilization of fishery resources by konvervasi mangrove ecosystems and coral reefs. 
Division of Regional Development (WP) which includes one of the Thousand Islands WP, set in Regulation No. 6 of 1999 on Spatial Planning (Spatial) Jakarta. 

Thousand Island Tourism Potential 

North Thousand Islands subdistrict head pointed out that the history of tourism potential would be more interesting if the Directorate Protection of Underwater cultural heritage objects are willing to hand over the results of removal of underwater sites. To that end, the Thousand Islands regency government needs to create a museum on the history of the Thousand Islands. 

To boost the development of the Thousand Islands in all aspects such as environmental sustainability, resource conservation, economic, cultural and social welfare of the people, then the District Thousand Islands, which is part of the North Jakarta District Administration upgraded to the Thousand Islands. 

Potential historical tourism in the Thousand Islands include the tomb of Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Habib al Aidid Zen Roast Island (died May 15, 1895), the former Office of the Assistant Resident Duizen Eilanden Grilled Island (built in the 1880s), the grave of the legend on the island of White Blood Bake , the tomb of Maulana Sharif Syarifudin (relative Sultanate of Banten) in Coconut Island, and the tomb of Sultan Mahmud Zakaria (relative Sultanate of Banten) in Long Island. 

According to the Local Government, the number of islands in the Thousand Islands are only 342 pieces. This amount includes the islands are shaped mounds of sand and coral reefs that there are about 158 pieces. But not all islands in the Thousand Islands that could be interesting places for tourists. 

Actually a lot of the Thousand Island used as tourist attractions, but we deliberately only 9 summarizes the Thousand Island Tourism interesting in terms of the facilities offered. Like the Aquarium Tunnel Panorama Island Princess or Sepa Island, could be an alternative choice for your holiday. 

Message to be learned: Make History This Thousand Island as well as a knowledge base and our pride that Indonesia still has an attractive tourism places. 

If you want to take a vacation to the island of a thousand clay this post: PAKET WISATA KEPULAUAN SERIBU

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