
Sunday 3 May 2015

History Of Untung Jawa Island

Hai friend artour in posting this time we will tell about the island untung jawa in thethousand islands. Fortunately, Java island is one of the subdistricts of South thousand islands of the thousand islands Regency, JakartaIndonesia.

At an early age are old enough (about 6 generations), the fortunes of the Java store "a little bit of history" regarding the Government of Netherlands East Indies and Japan.When Indonesia was ruled by the Netherlands Indies, the island turned out to be in the region of the village Of Java is already dominated by the fortunes of indigenous people coming from the mainland island of Java. Since the 1920s the region was ledby someone who is always referred to as ' Defender ' (red-Head) and Defender Fi'iKasim, a company based on the island of Kherkof and led several of the Islands.

Mastery of the Netherlands made the names of the island there are a thousanddikepulauan now we know it smells of Netherlands, and then after the independenceof INDONESIA's name has been changed. some of the island's name was changed as follows:

Island Amiterdam Island Untung Jawa becomes.
Island Middbur Island into hair (wildlife).
The island became the great Yam Island from Rotterdam.
Sehiedam island is a Small Island to be Sweet.
The island later became Sick Island Purmerend converted back into Angel Island.
Kherkof island became Kelor island.
Kuiper Island to Island Cipir/Interface.
Ship Island/island of Onrust Island becomes Busy.

Around the 1930s, due to the condition of the island's mainland abrasion (eroded by seawater), Defender Angry (the name of the village head) recommends that peoplewho live on the island of Kherkof to move to the island of Amiterdam (Fortunately,Java).

Boat trip screen came on the island of Amiterdam, and native island receives with open arms. The name of the original inhabitants of the Amiterdam among others,Kemple Cule, Derahman, Derahim, Selihun, Saadi, Saemin etc, they recommend thatimmediately chose land to direct ' projected '. Eventually the island Amiterdam was renamed "island Untung Jawa" which means good fortune for the people of the mainland island of Java at the time.

The end of the name of Amiterdam island and ended the leadership of Bek was angrythat was then replaced by Defender Midih with the term of Office for about 10 years, then resumed by Defender Markasan Defender Saenan then.

The massive Mosquito attack

In the 1940s came the misfortunes for the Islanders the fortunes of Java i.e. an attackof malaria mosquitoes in large quantities, because it does not put up with the suffering of its people, Defender Saenan advise to settle into the Great Yam Island. Butsuffering as if there never inquiries. To meet the basic necessities of their usual dailycan of fish market Sunda Kelapa became very difficult. This is caused by thecolonization of Nippon (Japan) at that time.

In 1945, major changes occurred throughout the corners of the Archipelago becauseIndonesia has been independent from the shackles of the colonizers. This change was felt by people in the thousand islands in General. Among others, the word ' Defender 'is transformed into a village head as well as his leadership.

The Indian Government is no longer the Netherlands or Japan, but the Government ofIndonesia. A centralized mechanism of Governence, Defender Saenan was replaced by the head of the first Head Maesan.

The time continues to run, the great Yam Island unwittingly cannot escape fromabrasion. On the initiative of head of Government with the approval of their Maesanmigrated a second time to the island Untung Jawa.

Become A Fishing Village

On 13 February 1954, joint Head of the initiative that established a memorial toremovals which is located in the middle of the island. From that point the moreprogress community perceived the island of Java and the fortunes of the Governmentstaying silent does not take notice of her progress.

The old leadership has been Head and then proceeded by Maesan village head-headon. The names of the village head  who led the island Untung Jawa up to now are:Maesan, Muran, sumawi, Marzuki, Safi'i, Abdul Manaf, Machbub Sanhadi, HamanSudjana, Ambas, Slamet Riyadi s. sos and Irwanto, Agus Eko Suroyo, s. Sos., M.Si.

The Government, with all the effort that is supported by the community development and continue to improve the standard of life. And finally start 2002 Island Untung Jawaproclaimed as a Village fisherman.

Let's vacation in the thousand islands !! ^_^

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